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Luoyang Yuanjian Mining Equipment Co., Ltd.

Quick consultation hotline0379-69581006 0379-69927723

Company dynamics

Luoyang Yuanjian Mining Equipment Co., Ltd.



Luoyang Yuanjian Mining Equipment Co., Ltd.

Fixed line:0379-69581006


ADDRESS:Plant area: Delong Community Industrial Park, Pengbo Town, Yichuan County, Luoyang, Henan Luoyang Office: No.236, Mudan Avenue, Luolong District, Luoyang City

Busline:Plant area: take bus No.62, 63 and 65 to Guozhai, then transfer No.6 to Delong Community Industrial Park, Pengbo town

Company dynamics

[Shipping] 2LZ27 sprocket assembly delivery Shandong mining machine 2LZ27 sprocket assembly sprocket body



  Luoyang Yuanjian Mine Equipment Co., Ltd. *** Produces 17, 22, 30, 40T scraper machines and accessories, more than 630 scraper machines, sprocket assemblies for transfer machines, middle grooves, transition grooves, scrapers, E-bolts , Casting racks, casting grooves, etc.

ADDRESS:Plant area: Delong Community Industrial Park, Pengbo Town, Yichuan County, Luoyang, Henan Luoyang Office: No.236, Mudan Avenue, Luolong District, Luoyang City
BUSSLINE:Plant area: take bus No.62, 63 and 65 to Guozhai, then transfer No.6 to Delong Community Industrial Park, Pengbo town

Luoyang Yuanjian Mining Equipment Co., Ltd.

24-HOUR HOTLINE0379-69581006